How To Make Your Engagement Ring Shine Like New?

How To Make Your Engagement Ring Shine Like New?

Engagement rings are for life. Once you put it on, you seldom take it off. Many myths around the engagement rings prevent people from taking it off altogether. My own mother never takes the ring off because her mother said it’s inauspicious and even fatal to the husband when the wife takes off the ring. Does it work opposite ways too? She has no answer. Keeping the superstitions aside, if your engagement ring looks dull and ordinary, it needs a clean. Today we will find out the professional way to make your engagement ring shine like new.

How to make your Engagement Ring Shine Like NEW?

Cleaning is the secret way to keep your engagement ring shiny and bright full of luster. I will share a handful of ways to clean your engagement ring and make it look like new. It’s easy!

Let’s get started!

·      Clean it in Beer

One of the best ways to restore the shine of your engagement ring is by cleaning it with beer. Get a light beer (not the strong one!). Take a few drops on a piece of soft cloth. Scrub the ring gently with the beer damp cloth. Pat the ring dry.

·      Seltzer cleaning

Take a glass full of the seltzer and drop your ring in the glass for five minutes. You will notice the carbonation cleaning the ring. Take it out and pat dry to make your engagement ring shine like new.

·      Baking Soda

Baking soda cleans rust and stains easily from rings. You can make a thick paste of it with a few drops of water. Take a sponge and polish the ring with the paste. Let the paste cover the ring for a one hour. Don’t do this is if your ring is made of pearl or gemstones.

·      Vinegar for cleaning

Take half cup of vinegar and add 2 spoons of baking soda into it. Place the ring inside the solution and let it sit for 3-4 hours. Rinse under cold water and pat dry to prevent water smudges on the ring. Easy right?

·      Polishing Cloth

Get a sliver polishing cloth for your silver jewelry and gold or platinum polishing cloth for your gold or platinum ring from the jeweler. Use it once a month for gentle cleaning of your engagement ring in precious metal.

·      Professional Cleaning

You can also take your ring for professional cleaning every year or once in every 2 years. Take it to the jeweler you bought the engagement ring from because you might have lifetime cleaning services free on your ring.

What not to use when cleaning your engagement ring?

How To Make Your Engagement Ring Shine Like New?

There are hundreds and thousands of ways to clean your engagement ring to make it look like new online. Although, not all might work, some might even damage your ring. To prevent damaging the ring, always lookout for the three below ingredients.

·      Acetone

Do you know acetone can damage your gold ring? If your nail polish fell on the ring, don’t try to remove it with acetone. Take it for a professional cleaning instead of trying your own homemade hacks!

·      Bleach and Chlorine

Do you know a 14K gold placed in chlorine for 36 hours completely dissolves? Awful right? So, don’t wear your ring to the swimming pool! Don’t get into your hot tub with the engagement ring either!

·      Industrial chemicals

Keep your ring away from industrial chemicals as it can damage your ring easily. Use non-fragrant soap to clean the engagement ring.

When not to wear jewelry to prevent losing luster?

There are many hacks to keep your engagement ring shine like new for a long time. All you need to do is take a few precautions when you’re wearing it. Do not wear it during the following activities. Always take it out and store it in your jewelry box before you undertake any of the following-

·      Cooking

There is heat, spices, masalas and oils that can damage your ring when you’re cooking with the ring on. Take it off!

·      Cleaning

Industrial chemicals are present in all types of cleaning liquids from detergents to floor cleaners, so don’t wear your jewelry while you’re cleaning.

·      Washing

Laundry is just like cleaning, there might be harmful chemicals that can damage your rin. Take it off before you wash!

·      Eating

While eating, certain oils and splashes can get set on your ring and damage it. Don’t wear your engagement ring when eating, whether you’re eating with a spoon or your hands.

·      Makeup

In every makeup, there are industrial grade chemicals that can damage your engagement ring irreparably. Take your ring off when putting on makeup, lotion or moisturizer.

·      Handiwork

When you’re dealing with activity that users your hands such as dealing with heavy machinery or painting or manual work, take your ring off!

Before you go …

Any more doubts? Leave us a comment below!

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