Vintage Engagement Rings Review

Vintage Engagement Rings Review


Why Does Vintage Engagement Rings Are Not Good Enough For Her?

Vintage engagement rings are not a very good idea. Take a look at all kinds of a women’s jewelry, it usually includes a variety of types, sizes and shapes, some modern, some vintage and others stylish and young. Based on a research made by our people early 2015, most ladies say that vintage pieces, only fit a small part of their wardrobe, whereas modern rings, fit most of their wardrobe and stylish jewelries as color stoned rings or neck lesses, fit somewhere in between the vintage and modern, and yet considered extra ordinary.

But why doesn’t Vintage diamond rings fit any clothing or lifestyle?

“Vintage engagement rings are a wonderful idea for first thought, but on a second thought, most of the fun and excitement are to be held in the jewelry box on the table” says Jenifer Robison, a 26 yo woman who got married 2 years ago and engaged almost 3 years ago. “I will never forget the moment my husband took out the ring out of the gift box he was holding” she adds, “it was exciting, I cried, I was the happiest girl on this planet. It took me about 4 weeks to walk around and ‘finger’ everyone”. The issues with Jenifer vintage engagement ring, began when the excited faded off, and all she was left with was an emotional vintage piece of ring, that doesn’t fit her everyday look as a marketing manager of a large smart phone brand in the states, and has to show innovation at every second, meeting or presentation. “my vintage engagement ring has turned out to be my weekend must have, but everyday- not always”.

How the hell can I choose the right engagement ring?

It is a good idea to have a unique, stylish, special one of a kind engagement ring, and it is very important to make it special and compatible with the woman it us given to. You should never forget that at first she is the most important side of the equation, so her flavor, preferences and type of job, clothes and schedule have to be taken into consideration.

Who in this world should have a vintage engagement ring?

We took some of our building’s ladies, and went threw those with vintage engagement rings, here is what we found; Katy, 42 yo., has been marries for 7 years. “I got engaged at the age of 26, and since we have discussed about getting married for quite a while, I have told my husband that I would like to have my engagement ring to look vintage”. Katy says that, since that’s how all her over 10 years of marriage friends engagement rings look like. We know that today’s modern engagement ring is tomorrow’s or 2025’s vintage.

What if I cant make up my mind?

We always suggest to consult, if you wouldn’t like to do so with your future to be fiancée, you can try one of her friends, sisters or other close person. At anytime, you can try and ask on-line, there are many diamonds and engagement rings consultants and you can always ask us!

Our conclusion about vintage engagement rings?

Well, we like it, but it has to be really into the person you are proposing to. We believe that an engagement ring is both an emotional and a stylish piece of jewelry. It is as much important for one’s to take a woman’s lifestyle, career, fashion taste and point in life.

We sinisterly recommend that you take a look at some of our soon to come questionnaires and reviews on all types of engagement rings!

One Review

  1. Girls are crazy… why not just say thank you for any engagement ring?? this market is insane


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